Contact Your Federal Lawmakers to Fix the Highway Trust Fund By This December
Petition by
American Society of Civil Engineers & Transportation Construction Coalition
The Highway Trust Fund (HTF) is the primary funding source for the federal government’s investments in roads, bridges, and transit, but insufficient revenue has limited these investments and has even caused the fund to flirt with insolvency. The HTF is primarily funded by the federal tax of gasoline and diesel fuels, which has not been raised since 1993. Congress has propped the HTF up with $140 billion in general fund transfers since 2008, but failed to provide a long-term, adequate and sustainable funding source.
Fixing the HTF by raising the gas tax is the best solution and must be part of any infrastructure investment proposal. We need you to reach out to your Members of Congress and encourage them to fix the Highway Trust Fund and ensure our transportation systems are adequately funded.
The HTF is the primary funding source for the federal government’s investments in roads, bridges, and transit, but insufficient revenue has limited these investments and has even caused the fund to flirt with insolvency. The HTF is primarily funded by the federal tax of gasoline and diesel fuels, which has not been raised since 1993. Congress has propped the HTF up with $140 billion in general fund transfers since 2008, but failed to provide a long-term, adequate and sustainable funding source.
Currently, the White House and Congressional leadership are debating the best way to pay for our surface transportation infrastructure and we strongly urge that lawmakers raise the federal gas tax by 5 cents a year for 5 years and then indexing it to inflation. This legislation would generate $394 billion over 10 years and combat our $1.1 trillion funding deficit.
We need you to reach out to your Members of Congress and encourage them to fix the Highway Trust Fund and ensure our transportation systems are adequately funded.