To prevent the projected funding shortfall and improve our surface transportation network, we must raise the motor fuels user fee by 5 cents per gallon for 5 years. Doing so will provide the revenue needed to modernize our roads, bridges, and transit and address the funding deficit . This would provide a much-needed infusion of $394 billion over 10 years and combat the $1.1 trillion investment gap in roads, bridges, and transit between now and 2025.
We’re already paying for our decades of underinvestment in our nation’s infrastructure. Each American family loses $3,400 in disposable income each year – more than $9 a day – due to poor infrastructure. That’s income we could be saving or spending on other things that make our lives better, but instead are spending on car repairs, wasted time and gas, and increased costs for goods.
Raising the gas and diesel taxes and providing robust, sustainable funding for the HTF will improve our pavement conditions, lessen congestion, and help strengthen our nation’s economy.
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